Elvis Costello
Songs from Elvis Costello
The Coward Brothers, Elvis Costello, T Bone Burnett
Joker Out, Elvis Costello
Elvis Costello
The Comedians - with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Elvis Costello, Roy Orbison, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Steve Nieve, Elvis Costello, Robert Wyatt, Brodsky Quartet, Ned Rothenberg, Marc Ribot, Antoine Quessada, London Voices, Les Choeurs des Amis Francais
Steve Nieve, Elvis Costello, Sting, Barbara Bonney, Robert Wyatt, Nathalie Manfrino, Sara Fulgoni, Amanda Roocroft, Brodsky Quartet, Ned Rothenberg, Marc Ribot, Antoine Quessada
Steve Nieve, Sting, Barbara Bonney, Sarah Fulgoni, Nathalie Manfrino, Amanda Roocroft, Robert Wyatt, Elvis Costello, Brodsky Quartet, Ned Rothenberg, Marc Ribot, Antoine Quessada, London Voices, Les Choeurs des Amis Francais
Are You Havin' Any Fun? (with Elvis Costello)
Tony Bennett, Elvis Costello
Broken Bicycles (Waits) . Junk (McCartney)
Anne Sofie von Otter, Elvis Costello, Benny Andersson, Svante Henryson, Steve Nieve, Mats Schubert, Johan Lindström, Billy Bremner, Magnus Persson
Couldn't Call It Unexpected No. 4
Elvis Costello