K. J. Yesudas, Kuppuswami, Sujatha, Gireesh Puthancherry
Frequently asked questions
In our system, songs from artists are not automatically loaded in order to optimize our database and ensure efficient performance. However, we've made it easy for you to add any missing songs. If you can't find a song in our database, simply copy and paste the song's link onto our homepage. The song will then be added to our system. Keep in mind that it may take a few hours for the song's data to appear on this page, as we cache data to ensure smooth and speedy performance. Thank you for your understanding and for helping us grow our music database!
Songs often have multiple releases, each potentially featuring different artwork. Our system organizes and presents data based on the International Standard Recording Code (ISRC), which uniquely identifies each version of a song. Typically, we display the artwork from the song's earliest release, as this is generally the most accurate representation. However, there may be instances where this approach does not reflect the correct artwork for a particular version of a song. If you notice an error in the artwork displayed for a song, we are more than happy to address it. Please reach out to us with the Spotify ID of the track that requires correction, and our team will manually update the information to ensure accuracy.