Terry Riley
Songs from Terry Riley
Terry Riley, Steffen Schleiermacher, Bernd E. Gengelbach
Terry Riley, Steffen Schleiermacher, Bernd E. Gengelbach
Litany for the Whale (Two Voices)
John Cage, Paul Hillier, Terry Riley, Theatre Of Voices, Alan Bennett, Paul Eliott
Aria No. 2 (Voice and Electronics)
John Cage, Paul Hillier, Terry Riley, Theatre Of Voices
John Cage, Paul Hillier, Terry Riley, Theatre Of Voices, Alan Bennett, Andrea Fullington, Paul Eliott
The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs (Voice and Closed Piano)
John Cage, Paul Hillier, Terry Riley, Theatre Of Voices, Alan Bennett
Song Books, Volumes I: Solo for Voice 22 (Two Voices and Electronics)
John Cage, Paul Hillier, Terry Riley, Theatre Of Voices, Andrea Fullington
36 Mesostics RE: and not RE: Marcel Duchamp (Two Voices and Electronics)
John Cage, Paul Hillier, Terry Riley, Theatre Of Voices
Aria (Seven Voices and Electronics)
John Cage, Paul Hillier, Terry Riley, Theatre Of Voices, Alan Bennett, Andrea Fullington, Paul Eliott